B. Personal Names
Akrosas, Scythian king 22
Alaksandar (the Great) 23 cf. Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great 13, 23, 31
Amage, Sarmatian queen 16-19, 32
C. Antonius, consul in 63 B. C. 22, 30
Ardawān V, Parthian
king 81
Aristagoras 20, 21
Arsaces I, Parthian king 13
Atheas, Scythian king 16, 98
Boirebistas, Dacian king 21, 22, 28, 30, 41
Carus, Roman Emperor 56
Charaspes, Scythian king 22
Cicero, M. Tullius C. 30
Ap. Claudius Pulcher, consul in 79 B. C. 26
Constantine the Great 49, 50, 57
L. Cornelius Scipio, consul in 83 B. C. 26
L. Cornelius Sulla, dictator 26, 30
Cyrus the Great, Persian king 23
Dareios the Great, Persian king 23
Decebal, Dacian king 42
Diocletianus, Roman Emperor 56
Diophantos, general of Mithridates VI 14, 18, 21
Epikrates, architect 20, 21
Gallienus, Roman Emperor 54, 55
Gatalos, Sarmatian king 9, 19, 43
Ingenuus, Roman Emperor 55
Jutianus, Roman Emperor 57
Kanites, Scythian king 22
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor 45, 47, 48, 51, 101
Maximianus, Roman Emperor 56
Maximinus I, Roman Emperor 48
Mithridates VI Eupator king of Pontus 14-16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26-30,
35, 37-40, 99, 101
Neoptolemos, general of Mithridates VI 21
Nikeratos, military commander 18, 20, 21
Ovid 41
Pairisades VI, Bosporan king 35
Palakos, Scythian king 14, 15, 18, 30
Pharnakes I, king of Pontus 19
Philip, king of Macedonia 16, 17, 28
Philippus, Roman Emperor 53
Phraates II, Parthian king 33
Protogenes, citizen of Olbia 10-12
Regalianus, Roman Emperor 55, 101
Saitapharnes, king of the Saii 11, 18
Salmanassar, Assyrian king 73
C. Scribonius Curio 26
Skiluros, Scythian king 18-21, 30, 32
Tanusas, Scythian king 22
Tasios, leader of the Roxolani 14
M. Terentius Varro Lucullus 26
Tiberius, Roman Emperor 100
Traianus Decius, Roman Emperor 53, 54, 107
Valentinian I, Roman Emperor 50
Vonones, Parthian king 23
Zopyrion, Macedonian general 17
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