Studies in the History and Language of the Sarmatians
J. Harmatta


A. Geographical Names

__A_  —  __B_  —  __C_  —  __D_  —  __E_  —  __F_  —  __G_  —  __H_  —  __I_  —  __K_  —  __L_  —  __M_  —  __N_  —  __O_  —  __P_  —  __Q_  —  __R_  —  __S_  —  __T_  —  __U_  —  __V_  —  __W_  —  __X_  —  __Y_  —  __Z_

Abbreviations: c. = country, d. = department, district, mt. = mountain, r. = river, s. = site. t. = town, tr. = tribe, v. = village

Abdera, t. 28
Abzoae, tr. 83
Aedi, tr. 29
Afghans 67
Akhtanizovskaya Stanitsa, s. 34
Alani 78
Alans, Alani 32, 42, 48, 49, 52, 62-68, 79, 82, 83, 96, 97, 101, 103, 105
A-lan 78, 82
al-Lān 78
Alan, fortress 65
Alan-kala, fortress 65
al(-l) ārisiya 66, 67
Alexandropol, s. 35
Amisos, t. 21
Amu-Darya, r. 64 cf. Oxus
Anti, tr. 66
Aorsi, Aorsians, tr. 32-34, 38, 66, 82, 83
Aparnoi, tr. 13
Apollonia, t. 26, 27
Aquincum, t. 100
Aral, Lake 13, 33, 104
Aral region 34
Ardaragantes, tr. 53, 101
Areatae, tr. 29, 77, 78
Arii, tr. 77, 78
Arimaspi. Arimaspoe, tr. 83
Armenians 38
Arraei Surmatae, tr. 29, 77, 78, 105
Arsi, tr. 66, 67
Arsoae, tr. 83, 84
*Arzoae, tr. 83
Asagartiya, tr. 70
Ās, tr. 64, 66, 67, 105
As-Dgūr, tr. 67
Asia 11
Asia Minor 26
Asiani, tr. 63, 66, 67
Atamanovï Kostï, s. 46
Athens, t. 43
Azov, Sea of Azov 13, 59

Bactri, tr. 84
Bactria, c. 33, 34, 67
Băile-Herculane, v. 54
Balkans, c. 26, 28, 40, 99
Balkans, Northern, c. 25
Balkar territory 91
Balkars, tr. 62, 75
Banat, c. 41, 53
Barbarians 17
Barbarians of the Pontus 23
Basternae, tr. 22, 24, 27-30, 49, 51, 56, 98
Bead River 46
Bistra Valley 54
Black Sea 15, 46-48, 50-53 cf. Pontus
Black Sea region 47 cf. Pontic region
Bononia, t. 56
Bori, t. (D. of Kutais) 39
Borysthenes-Dnieper 20, 21, 31 cf. Dnieper


Bosporan Kingdom 18
Boudioi, tr. 71
Britannia, c. 31
Budini, tr. 9
Bulaq, tr. 11
Bulgaria, c. 35, 37, 38
Byzantines 13

Caransebeş, v. 54
Carpathian Basin 37, 45
Carpathian Ruthenia 4
Carpi, tr. 49, 51, 53, 56
Caspian Sea 13, 34, 38
Caucasus, mt. 8, 36, 38, 58, 104
Caucasus, Northern, mt. 62
Celtic peoples 8
Celtic tribe 11, 98
Celts, tr. 36, 45
Central Asia 59, 102
Chernyakhovo, s. 46, 102
Chersonese, t. 16-20
Chersonesians 14, 16-18
Chinese 33
Choamani, tr. 84
Chorasmians, tr. 64-67
Cimmerii, tr. 7, 8, 98
Clariae, tr. 29
Colchians, tr. 15
Crimea, c. 16, 19, 48
Crimean Greek cities 22, 23
Crimean Peninsula 22, 23
Crimean Scythian Kingdom 18, 20
Crimean Scythian power 22
Crimean Scythian state 14, 18
Crimean Scythians 18-20, 22, 30, 32
Csongrád, t. 47

Daai Xandioi, tr. 14
Dacia, c. 45, 47, 51, 53-55
Dacian Empire 41
Dacians, tr. 30, 41-45, 99
Daco-Mysian tribes 8
Dahae, Daai, tr. 13
Dahian tribe 13
Dalmatae, tr. 100
Danube, r. 12, 14, 16, 21, 23-29, 32, 34, 37, 39, 41, 48, 51, 54, 56, 57, 99, 100, 102 cf. Istros, r.
Danube-Tisa region 42
Dardani, tr. 28
Davidov, d. 47
Delphi, t. 26
Dentheletians, tr. 28
Dierna, v. 54
Dioscurias, t. 39
Dnieper, r. 12, 16, 19—21, 31, 32, 39, 49 cf. Borysthenes
Dnieper, Lower, r. 99
Dnieper Basin 47
Dnieper region 22, 34
Dniester, r. 99, 102
Dobrudja, c. 16, 22, 24-27, 30, 98, 99
Dobrudjan Scythians 22, 29
Don, r. 12, 14, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 48, 49 cf. Tanais, r.
Donets, r. 49
Donets region 16
Dunaszekcső, v. 56

Eger, t. 41
Enoecadioe, tr. 84
Ernőháza, v. 46
Europe, Central 7
Europe, Eastern 7, 82, 98, 100, 102
Euxine coast 39 cf. Pontic region
Euxine, Northern 36 cf. Pontic region

Fedulovo, s. 35

Galatae, tr. 11, 98
Caliche, s. 34, 37, 38
Galicia, c. 41
Gambrivii, tr. 83
Germans, Eastern 50-52
Getae, tr. 21, 22, 24, 25, 29
Godeanul, mt. 54
Gorgippia, t. 90, 93
Goths 47, 49-53, 56, 57, 102, 107
Great Hungarian Plain 44, 54, 55, 57, 100, 102
Greece, c. 26
Greek cities (colonies) in the Pontus (Black Sea), Pontic Greek cities 23, 24, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46-48
   North Pontic Greek cities 97, 99, 100, 103


Greeks 16, 17
Greeks, Pontic, of the Pontus 23, 43
Gutones, tr. 83

Haemus, mt. 29
Halani, tr. 78 cf. Alani, Alans
Hamaxobii, Hamaxobioe, tr. 83
Háromszék (Trei Scaune), d. 37
Histria, t. 99 cf. Istros, t.
Hsiung-nu, tr. 32, 34
Hungarians 50, 61, 62, 102
Hungary 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49-56, 98, 101
Huns 7, 11, 46, 49, 57 cf. Hsiung-nu
Hurrians 74
Hylaia, c. 20

Iaxartes - Syr-Darya, r. 34, 46 cf. Syr-Darya
Iazyges, tr. 12, 25, 31, 32, 36, 41-45, 48-53, 55-57, 86, 100
Illyricum, c. 56
India 38
India, North 46
Indo-Scythia, c. 39
Indo-Scythians, tr. 10, 34, 36-38, 40
Iran, c. 74
Iran, Eastern, c. 65, 68
Iran, North-Eastern, c. 64
Iranians 59, 98
Iranians, Pontic 59
Iron Gates 41, 54
Ishafan, t. 71
Isker, r. 27
Istetskaya Yurta, s. 34
Istrians 16
Istros, r. 24 cf. Danube
Istros, t. 22, 26, 27, 30 cf. Histria
Italy, c. 56
Iyrcae, tr. 9

Kallatis, t. 26, 27
Karachay territory 91
Karachay, tr. 62
Kashmir, c. 33
Kazakstan, c. 8
Kertsh, t. 46, 47 cf. Panticapaeum
Khazars, tr. 64
Kiszombor-Ernőháza, s. 100
Koshibeyev, s. 46
Kutlovica, v. 53
Kuzminsk, s. 46

Limigantes, tr. 53, 101

Macedonia, c. 26
Maeotis, Sea 13, 24 cf. Azov, Sea of A.
Magyars 25 cf. Hungarians
Mangïshlak Peninsula 65
Marcomanni, tr. 56
Medes, tr. 38, 39, 59, 70, 71, 73, 74
Median tribes 96
Mehadia, v. 54
Mingrels, tr. 62
Mishkina Prisian, s. 46
Moesi, tr. 29
Moesia, c. 52-55
Moesia, Lower, c. 53, 55
Moesians 55
Monor, v. 47, 100
Morava, r. 27
Muntenia, c. 100
Mursa, t. 55

Naqš-i Rustam, s. 23
Near East 74
Nedao, r. 107
Neuri, Neuroe, tr. 83, 84
Noin-Ula, s. 37
Novouzensk, s. 34

Odessa, t. 47
Oescus, r. 27 cf. Isker
Olates, tr. 20
Olbia, t. 10, 17, 19—24, 30, 32, 43, 44, 46-48, 75, 86-90, 92-94, 99, 100
Olbians 24
Olt, r. 53
Oltenia, c. 41, 42, 51, 53-55
Orekhovo, d. 38
Orgovány, v. 47
Ossetes, tr. 59-68, 79, 96, 97, 105
Ossetes, Caucasian, tr. 64


Oxus, r. 59 cf. Amu-Darya

Pangaei, tr. 78
Pannonia, c. 55, 56, 100
Pannonia, Upper, c. 55
Panticapaeum, t. 12, 19, 75, 80, 87, 90, 92-94, 100 cf. Kertsh
Paralatai, tr. 14
Parioi, tr. 13, 14
Parni, tr. 13
Parthia, c. 39
Parthian Empire 38
Parthians 23
Pechenegs, tr. 64, 66
Pertnia, c. 46
Persia, c. 38 cf. Iran
Persian tribes 96
Persians 13, 59, 70, 71, 73, 74
Phanagoria, t. 79, 80, 88, 89
Plugova, v. 54
Pontic Empire 21, 38
Pontic region 12, 14, 15, 17-24, 38-40, 47, 48, 52, 53, 58 cf. Black Sea region
Pontic region, North 76, 103, 107
Pontic region, Northwestern 101
Pontic Sarmatian Empire 18
Pontus 15, 16, 18, 32, 39, 59 cf. Black Sea
Poroina, s. 29, 99
Porta Orientalis, pass 54
Prokhorovka, s. 38

Qïzïl Alan, v. 65
Quadi, tr. 56

Ratiaria, t. 27
Retezat, mt. 54
Roman Empire 56, 107
Romans 24-26, 30, 44, 56, 83, 99
Rome 28, 42, 54
Roumania, Little 29
Roumanian Lowlands 41
Roumanian Plain 24, 30, 49-51, 55
Roxolani, tr. 12, 14, 15, 18, 31, 32, 36, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47-57, 101
Russia, South(ern) 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 20, 33-38, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 58, 59, 63, 67-69, 86, 96
Russians 7

Sacae, tr. 33, 66
Sacae, Eastern, tr. 33, 34
Sadagares, tr. 101
Sadagarii, tr. 57, 101, 107
Sadagis, tr. 101, 107
Saii, tr. 11, 12, 19, 32, 34, 98
Saka, tr. 32, 33
Salïr, tr. 65
Sanigae, tr. 86
Sarmatae, Arraei, tr. 29
Sarmatia, Asiatic, c. 33
Sarmatian state 43
Sarmatians, Sarmatae, tr. 8-10, 12, 16-19, 21-26, 29-32,34, 36, 38-41, 43-45, 50-53, 55-57, 59, 63, 68, 96-98, 100, 103, 104
Sarmatians, Late, tr. 101, 102
Sarmatians, Pontic, tr. 32, 33
Sarmatians, Royal, tr. 12, 30-32, 34, 37, 40, 41, 95
Sarmatians, Western, tr. 33, 34, 36, 37, 43
Sarmisegethusa, t. 54
Saudaratae, tr. 11, 12
Sauromatae, Sauromatians, tr. 8-10, 27, 98
Scaugdae, tr. 29
Scordiscians, Little, tr. 27
Scythia, c. 9, 43
Scythia, Little, c. 16, 57 cf. Dobrudja
Scythian Kingdom 52
Scythian state 43
Scythians, tr. 7, 8, 12, 13, 15-19, 21-24, 27-31, 33, 39, 42, 44, 52, 59, 68, 97, 98, 102-104
  cf. Crimean Scythians
  cf. Dobrudjan Scythians
Scythians, Royal, tr. 13, 95
Scythians, Western, tr. 98
Sea of Aral 65 cf. Aral, Lake
Sea of the Khazars 64 cf. Caspian Sea
Severskaya Stanitsa, s. 34, 35
Siberia 37
Siracians, tr. 32-34, 36


Sirmium, t. 55
Skiri, tr. 11, 49, 107
Slavs, Eastern 7
Slavs, Southern 7
Sofia, t. 28
Sogdians, tr. 67
Somogy, County 56, 101
Starobel'sk, s. 34, 37
Stepan Razin kolkhoz, s. 47
Steppes, Aralo-Caspian 13
Steppes, Caspian-Pontic 82
Steppes, of Western Turkestan 33
Steppes, South Russian 42, 59
Steppes, West-Asiatic 12
Sugambri, tr. 83
Syr-Darya, r. 13 cf. Iaxartes
Szil, v. 56, 101
Szörcse (Surcea), s. 37

Taganrog, t. 34, 37
Taifals, tr. 50
Tanais, t. 75, 80, 85-90, 92, 94
Tanais-Don, r. 18, 19 cf. Don
Taxila, t. 38, 39
Theodosia, t. 18
Thisamatae, tr. 11, 12
Thrace, c. 29
Thracia, c. 56
Thule, c. 31, 56
Thyssagetae, tr. 9
Timiul, r. 54
Tisa, r. 8, 41, 100
Tobol, r. 35
Togar, tr. 66
Tokhar, tr. 66
Tokharians, tr. 32, 66
Tomi, t. 22, 25-27, 41, 100
Trandï, s. 46
Transaquincum, fortress 56
Transcaucasia, c. 39
Transylvania, c. 8, 53, 54
Transylvanian Basin 54
Tribal confederacy, Western Sarmatian 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30, 37, 40, 43
Tribal federations, nomadic Iranian 95
Triballian territory 38
Triballians, tr. 16, 27-29, 39
Tribes, Iranian 73, 86
Tribes, Iranian tr. of South Russia 60, 74, 96
Tribes, Median 70, 73
Tribes, Northern Balkan 26
Tribes, Persian 70, 73
Tribes, Sarmatian 32, 34, 35, 37-39, 69
Tribes, Turkmen 65
Tribes, Western Sarmatian 34
Turkestan, Western, c. 33
Tyras, t. 15, 47, 88

Urgi, tr. 12, 32, 41
Uspenskaya Stanitsa, s. 34
Ust-Urt plateau 65
Uzboy, r. 64 cf. Amu-Darya

Vandals, tr. 50, 101
Varangians, tr. 7
Vidin, t. 27
Volga, r. 46
Volga Basin 48
Voronezh, Gov. 47

Wisigothae, tr. 83
Wu-sun, tr. 63, 66, 67

Xandioi, tr. 13, 14
Xanthioi, tr. 13
Xwārizm, c. 63, 65

Yanchokrak, s. 34, 37
Yaxartes, r. 59 cf. Iaxartes, Syr-Darya
Yen-ts'ai, c. 33, 34, 66, 82
Yüeh-chih, c. 31-34, 38, 39, 66, 99

Zelenchuk, v. 62

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