Studies in the History and Language of the Sarmatians
J. Harmatta


3. The Sarmatian Dialects of the North Pontic Region


The Old Iranian group of phonemes *vi- also shows a twofold line of development: 1. vi-, 2. i-.

Old Iranian *vi- > vi-.

Panticapaeum, Latyshev. IOSPE II, 29B: ~ Avestan vīd- 'teilhaftig'; probably obtained by suffixation from the short form of a name belonging to the type of Avestan vīdat-gav-.

Panticapaeum, Latyshev. IOSPE IV, 255: in Vasmer's view, the name may be connected either with the Avestan word višta- 'Kämpfer' or is the short form of a name which belongs to the Vištāspa-type. Since, however, the AirWb. does not know of the word višta- and, moreover, since in the name Vištāspa- the element višta- has never been explained, it seems a likelier explanation that the name  developed from Old Iranian vista- or the short form of some compound in which this word is a constituent element (cf. e. g. Avestan vistō.fraorətay- 'der das Glaubensbekenntnis kennt').

Old Iranian *vi- > i-.

Olbia, Latyshev, IOSPE I, 65: ~ Avestan vīsaiti, see above.

Additional Notes

To p. 93. On višta- cf. E. Benveniste: JA 227 (1936) 229, O. Szemerényi: BzN 2 (1951) 165 ff.. H. W. Bailey: JRAS 1953. 101–103, W. Brandenstein—M. Mayrhofer: Handbuch des Altpersischen. Wiesbaden 1964. 154.

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