Войников Живко
620 gallery in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2022-06-05 | |
Сайт за българска история и електронна библиотека
на д-р Живко Войников
newspapers Monitor, Trud
2303 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Velkov V., Danov H., Georgiev G.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
2301 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
pictures from vol. 1 of "History of Bulgaria", Sofia, 1979
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
National Museum of History, Sofia
2287 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
images from the National Museum of History, Sofia
newspaper Monitor
2456 gallery in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
2458 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Beshevliev Vesselin
Publishing House of the Fatherland Front, Sofia
2291 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |