Vojnikov Zhivko
852 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2022-02-14 | |
Книга в електронен вид.
Роте Ганс
Палітычная сфера, Беларус
946 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Slavs | |
added: 2021-05-31 | |
Превод на:
Hans Rothe, Was ist „altrussische Literatur“
(Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2000)
Преводач: Жанна Некрашэвіч-Кароткая
Rothe Hans
Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden
2390 web book in German | |
categories: ·Slavs | |
added: 2021-05-30 | |
Was ist „altrussische Literatur“
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Geisteswissenschaften Vorträge G 362
Radenković Nebojša
Society for Ancient Stuides of Serbia, Belgrade
1512 web book in Serbian | |
categories: ·Slavs | |
added: 2020-06-13 | |
У раду аутор приказује радове српског научника Милана Будимира (1891-1975) о најстаријој словенској лексици, пореклу и прапостојбини Словена.
Petrov Toma, Venedikov Ivan, Kuzupov Bojan
Museum of Burgas
1699 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2020-02-13 | |
Florja Boris
Publishing House «Indrik», Moscow
2263 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Slavs | |
added: 2016-06-02 | |
(p. 893-902 in: ΠΟΛΥΤΡΟΠΟΝ, То 70th Birthday of Vladimir Toporov. M.: Publishing House «Indrik», 1998. — 1040 p.)
Zlatkovskaja Tatjana
Sovetskaja etnografija, Moscow
4022 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2016-06-02 | |
(p. 47-58 in: Sovetskaja etnografija, 3, Moscow, 1978)
Dzhafarov Jusif
Vizantijskij vremennik / ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ, Moscow
4343 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Caucasus | |
added: 2016-04-09 | |
Edelman D. I.
Vostochnaja literatura, Moscow
4010 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Slavs | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Exceprt from:
Иранские и славянские языки : Исторические отношения
Д.И. Эдельман (Вост. лит., РАН, М., 2002)
Dobrev Petar
Publishing house "Ogledalo", Sofia
5699 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
An abridged translation from Bulgarian (V. K.) of:
Петър Добрев. Езикът на Аспаруховите и Куберови българи. Речник и граматика
Dobrev Petar
Orion-Commerse, Sofia
4491 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
An abridged translation from German (V. K.) of the booklet:
Peter Dobrev, Universum protobulgaricum, Band I : Inschriften und Alphabet der Urbulgaren.
Hajtov Nikolaj
Peter Owen Publishers, London
3465 web book in English | |
categories: ·Fiction | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
(translated from Bulgarian by Michael Holman)
Kamaliddinov Shamsuddin
Uzbekiston, Tashkent
3283 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Georgieva Rumjana, Spiridonov Tosho, Rejo Maria
University Press "Sv. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia
2913 web book in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Ivanov Ivan
2659 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
prepared by Hristo Tsenov
Агре Даниела
2732 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Agre Daniela
2532 web book in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Thracian tumulus from the Roman period near Sofia
Bogdan Nikolov
2463 web book in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
Dimitrov Dimitar
Publishing house "Georgi Bakalov", Varna
3476 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
An abridged translation from Bulgarian (V. K.) of the monograph of:
Димитър Димитров, Прабългарите по Северното и Западното Черноморие, Варна, 1987
Duridanov Ivan
Publishing house "Nauka i izkustvo", Sofia
2771 web book in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
An abridged translation from Bulgarian (V. K.) of:
Иван Дуриданов, Езикът на траките. Наука и изкуство, София, 1976.
Vardugin V. (compiler)
Publishing house "Nadezhda", Saratov
2365 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-25 | |
- Обитатели Среднего Поволжья с первобытных времен до наших дней, П. С. Березин
- Болгары, Виктор Рагозин
-На развалинах древнего города, Д. Г. Мухаметшин, Ф.С. Хакимзянов
Stamatov Atanas
MGU "Sv. Ivan Rilski", Sofia
3344 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
An excerpt from "Tempora Incognita of the early Bulgarian history" by Atanas Stamatov
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Stamatov Atanas
MGU "Sv. Ivan Rilski", Sofia
3299 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
An excerpt from "Tempora Incognita of the early Bulgarian history" by Atanas Stamatov
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Dobrev Petar, Dobreva Milena
TanNakRa, Sofia
2427 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
exceprts from:
"Древнобългарска епиграфика" by Петър Добрев, Милена Добрева
(ТанНакРа, София, 2001)
4.5. Най-ранните надписи от Волжка България (стр. 225-)
Iliev Vesselin
Komparsita, Sofia
2424 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Велика Волжка България
Волга - българска река
Веселин Илиев
изд. "Компарсита", 1993 г.
Rorlich Azade-Ayshe
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, Stanford
2237 web book in English | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Dobrev Petar
TanNakRa, Sofia
2393 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Ch. I.3. of P. Dobrev’s book "Bylgarskite ognishta na civilizacija na kartata na Evrazija"
Christie Neil
2235 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
An excerpt (pp. 98-100) from the "The Lombards, the ancient Longobards"
IK "Arges", Sofia
2401 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Translated from Arabic by G. Naumov
Davletshin G. M.
Tatarskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Kazan
2254 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Volga Bulgars, Tatars | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
excerpts from:
Г.М. Давлетшин. Волжская Булгария: духовная культура (Домонгольский период, X - нач. XIII вв.), Казань, 1990. стр. 172
Сведения об ученых и писателях, вышедших из Волжской Булгарии
Cenov Gancho
Heliopol, Sofia
2667 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
excerpts from:
"Кроватова България и покръстването на българите" by Ганчо Ценов
Brykina G.
Nauka, Moscow
2391 web book in English | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
(excerpts from "Средняя Азия в раннем средневековье", ред. Г.А. Брыкина, M., 1999)
Translated from Russian (V. K.)
Ter-Mkrtichjan Loretta Hristoforovna
Nauka, Moscow
2192 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Армянские источники о Средней Азии, V-VII вв.
Лорэтта Христофоровна Тер-Мкртичян
(Институт Востоковедения, АН СССР, Москва, "Наука", 1979)
Jablinskij Leonid T.
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
2170 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Еще раз к вопросу о формировании расы среднеазиатского междуречья (в свете новых палеоантропологических материалов из Приаралья)
Леонид Т. Яблонский
Kamaliddinov Shamsuddin
Uzbekiston, Tashkent
2141 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
exceprt from "Historical geography of Southern Sogdiana and Northern Tokharistan according to Arab sources, IX-XIII cc."
Thomson R. (transl.)
Harvard UP
2282 web book in English | |
categories: ·Caucasus | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Commentary on the Literary Sources by R. Thomson
p. 1-61 in: Moses Khorenats’i, History of the Armenians, trans. R. Thomson
Maenchen-Helfen Otto
University of California Press
1738 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
p. 127-129 from Chapter II. History. Attila’s Kingdom, The World of the Huns, Studies in Their History and Culture
Rashev Rasho, Dimitrov Yanko
Svetlana, Shumen
1680 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Harmatta János
Acta Universitatis de Attila József Nominatae, Szeged
2316 web book in English | |
categories: ·Scythia. Sarmatians, Huns | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Duridanov Ivan
2115 web book in English | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Ch. VII. Vergleichende phonetik der thrakischen sprache from "Die Sprache der Thraker" by Ivan Duridanov
Translated by Jordan Tchorbadzhijski
Maenchen-Helfen Otto
University of California Press
2220 web book in English | |
categories: ·Scythia. Sarmatians, Huns | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Mikulchik Ivan
Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje
2287 web book in Macedonian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Средновековни градови и тврдини во Македонија
Иван Микулчиќ
Македонска академија на науките и уметностите — Скопје
Pritsak Omeljan
Ural-Altaische Bibliothek, Otto Harrassowitz - Wiesbaden
3643 web book in German | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Minorsky Vladimir
Oxford UP, London
3484 web book in English | |
categories: ·Ethnography | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Dodge Bayard (transl.)
Columbia University Press, New York & London
1660 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Al-Nadim mentions that the ‘Abbasid caliph al-Mam’un (786–833), son of Harud al-Rashid, wrote a more that 100 pages long "Answers to the Questions of the King of the Burghar Addressed to Him about Islam and the Unity"
Fol Alexander, Cvetkov B., Mashov S., Ivanov P.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
2092 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Thracia, the Balkans | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Тракийското съкровище от Рогозен
Александър Фол, Богдан Цветков, Спас Машов, Пламен Иванов
научен редактор Иван Маразов
Butba V. F.
Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow
2151 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Caucasus | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Племена Западного Кавказа по "Ашхарацуйцу"
Бутба В.Ф.
Bzarov R. S.
Ir, Vladikavkaz
2179 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Caucasus | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
История в осетинском предании, Сюжет о Чермене
Р.С. Бзаров
(Владикавказ, “Ир”, 1993)
Litvinskij Boris A. (ed.)
Nauka, Moscow
4083 web book in Russian | |
categories: ·Central and Middle Asia | |
added: 2014-03-27 | |
Восточный Туркестан и Средняя Азия в системе культур Древнего и Средневекового Востока
Под редакцией Б. А. Литвинского
Издательство «Наука»
Главная редакция восточной литературы
Москва 1986