Christie Neil
2251 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
An excerpt (pp. 98-100) from the "The Lombards, the ancient Longobards"
2488 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
Cenov Gancho
Heliopol, Sofia
2689 web book in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-10 | |
excerpts from:
"Кроватова България и покръстването на българите" by Ганчо Ценов
Brentjes Burchard
East and West (Rome), New series, vol. 21
2612 article in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Schmitt Rüdiger
Linguistique Balkanique, XXVIII
2188 article in German | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Váry Hermann
Ural-Altaische Jahrbucher, Wiesbaden, XL
2289 article in German | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Setton Kenneth M.
Speculum, vol. 25
1826 article in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Wolff Robert Lee
Speculum, vol. 24
1917 article in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Beshevliev Vesselin
Publishing House of the Fatherland Front, Sofia
2319 gallery in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Rashev Rasho
Studia protobulgarica et mediaevalia europensia. In honour of Prof. V. Beshevliev, Veliko Tarnovo
1765 article in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Maenchen-Helfen Otto
University of California Press
1753 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
p. 127-129 from Chapter II. History. Attila’s Kingdom, The World of the Huns, Studies in Their History and Culture
International conference, Veliko Tarnovo
2112 article in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Славяни, тюрки и индо-иранци в ранното средновековие (езикови проблеми на българския етногенезис – към постановката на въпроса)
Стефан Йорданов
Yordanov Stefan
International conference, Veliko Tarnovo
2047 article in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Паисий или Никифор: За личното име и титлите на основателя на първото българско царство
Стефан Йорданов (Велико Търново)
Rashev Rasho, Dimitrov Yanko
Svetlana, Shumen
1697 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Translated from Bulgarian (V. K.)
Ovcharov Dimitar
TanNakRa, Sofia
1761 article in Russian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Болгары и румыны на Нижнем Дунае в Раннем Средневековье (по археологическим данным)
Димитър Овчаров
Перевод с болгарского (В. К.)
Atanassov George
TanNakRa, Sofia
1908 article in Russian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Болгаро-хазарская граница и болгаро-хазарская враждебность с конца VII до середины IX века
стр. 92-113 в: “Българи и хазари през ранното Средновековие”, ТанНакРа, София
Перевод с болгарского (В. К.)
Pritsak Omeljan
Ural-Altaische Bibliothek, Otto Harrassowitz - Wiesbaden
3680 web book in German | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Vojnikov Zhivko, Vojnikov Ivan
1879 article in Russian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Древнеболгарский календарь – этимология названия месяцов и годов
авторы: Живко Войников, Иван Войников
Deny J.
Revue des études byzantines
2138 article in French | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Dodge Bayard (transl.)
Columbia University Press, New York & London
1674 web book in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
Al-Nadim mentions that the ‘Abbasid caliph al-Mam’un (786–833), son of Harud al-Rashid, wrote a more that 100 pages long "Answers to the Questions of the King of the Burghar Addressed to Him about Islam and the Unity"
Yordanov Stefan
Contantine Preslavski university, Shumen
2028 article in Bulgarian | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
За организацията на граничната охрана в епохата на Първото българско царство
Стефан Йорданов
Lang David M.
Cambridge UP
1990 article in English | |
categories: ·Proto-Bulgarians, Bulgaria | |
added: 2014-04-09 | |
(an excerpt from: § 12. Iran, Armenia and Georgia - Cultural and religious contacts, in: "The Cambridge History of Iran", vol. 3 (1))
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