title |
author |
publisher |
year |
lng |
no publisher   " A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W n « Ş В З И П |
History of the Armenians, Moses Khorenats’i (exceprt) |
Thomson R. (transl.) |
Harvard UP |
1978 |
EN |
Bulgaria of Kubrat |
Cenov Gancho |
Heliopol, Sofia |
2004 |
BG |
The Evolution of Slavic Society and the Slavic Invasions in Greece. The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A. D. 597 |
Vryonis Speros Jr. |
Hesperia, vol. 50 |
1981 |
EN |
Tamgas (functions of the symbol) |
Olhovskij Valerij Sergeevich |
Historical-Archaeological Almanac, Armavir |
2001 |
RU |
About the Zoroastrianism among the Alans in the VII-IX cc. |
Rudnickij R. R. |
Historical-Archaeological Almanac, Armavir |
2001 |
RU |
The time of the appearence of the Alans in Eastern Europe and their origin |
Skripkin A. S. |
Historical-Archaeological Almanac, Armavir |
2001 |
RU |
The Volga Tatars, a Profile in National Resilience (excerpts) |
Rorlich Azade-Ayshe |
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, Stanford |
1986 |
EN |