title |
author |
publisher |
year |
lng |
no publisher   " A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W n « Ş В З И П |
Yazijioghlu ’Ali on the Christian Turks of the Dobruja |
Wittek Paul |
BSOAS, University of London, Vol. 14 |
1952 |
EN |
Bulgars of Alzec in Lombardy, Historia Langobardorum |
Christie Neil |
Blackwell |
EN |
Conceptions of Ethnicity in Early Medieval Studies |
Pohl Walter |
Blackwell Publishers |
1998 |
EN |
The Thracian treasure from Rogozen |
Fol Alexander, Cvetkov B., Mashov S., Ivanov P. |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia |
1988 |
BG |
The Thracian culture in images |
Velkov V., Danov H., Georgiev G. |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia |
1979 |
EN |
Documents épigraphiques kouchans |
Fussman Gérard |
Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême Orient, Paris |
1974 |
FR |
Protobulgarica (Remarks on the history of the Proto-Bulgarians until the mid-IX c. AD) |
Bozhilov Ivan. Dimitrov Hristo |
Byzantinobulgarica, Sofia |
1995 |
RU |
"Made in Russia". A Survey of the Translations Allegedly Made in Kievan Russia |
Thomson Francis J. |
Böhlau Verlag, Köln-Weimar-Wien |
1993 |
EN |
Doctrina Christiana. Investigations on the compilation and sources of the so-called "Speech of the philosopher" in the Old Russian Chronicle |
Trunte Hartmut |
Böhlau Verlag, Köln-Weimar-Wien |
1993 |
DE |