title |
author |
publisher |
year |
lng |
no publisher   " A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W n « Ş В З И П |
The Old Bulgarian calendar - etymology of the names of the months and of the (cyclic) years |
Vojnikov Zhivko, Vojnikov Ivan |
2014 |
RU |
The goddess of love in the megaron of the power: Observations on the power relations of Paleobalkan peoples |
Yordanov Stefan |
2007 |
BG |
S. Bernstein, O. Trubachev on the Balto-South-Slavic isoglosses |
Bernstein Samuel, Trubachev Oleg |
2005 |
RU |
A pagan, pre-Muslim statuette with runic signs from near Kazan |
Igor from www.kyrgyz.ru |
2004 |
EN |
Treasures from Malaja Pereshchepina, Nagyszentmiklos, etc |
EN |
The Khazars and the Caspian sea level changes |
Gumilev Lev |
1993 |
EN |
Vulgarum dux Alzeco |
Hersak Emil |
1996 |
EN |
A short description of the Volga Bolgharic r-Turkic |
Cluster User |
1999 |
EN |
Serdica. That is my Rome |
Agre Daniela |
EN |
Седика. Това е моят Рим |
Агре Даниела |
BG |
The oldest gold in the world. The Varna Chalkolithic necropolis |
Ivanov Ivan |
BG |
Bulgarian stories |
Pelin Elin, Jovkov Jordan, Talev Dimitar, Hajtov Nikolaj |
BG |
Articles about Thracia and the Thracians |
Miteva Neli, Lazova Cvete, Krykin Sergej, Nehrizov Georgi, Iordanov Stefan |
1988 |
EN |
Origin and migrations of the ancient Bulgarians (in search of a new approach to the old problem) |
Vojnikov Zhivko |
2012 |
BG |
The (non-)Bulgarian 12-year cyclic calendar - Avar legacy amongst the Bulgarians |
Vojnikov Zhivko |
2021 |
BG |
Mirror / Огледало на www.bulgari-istoria-2010.com; (с 350+ материала) |
Войников Живко |
2022 |
BG |