title |
author |
publisher |
year |
lng |
no author   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z Š А В Р |
Linear A script from the Eastern Rhodopes? |
newspaper Novinite |
2005 |
EN |
Thracian treasures from Plovdiv at the National museum in Sofia, March 2005 |
newspaper Novinite |
2005 |
EN |
Slavs, Turks and Indo-Iranians in the Early Middle Ages |
International conference, Veliko Tarnovo |
2002 |
BG |
The Golden mask from the "Sveticata" mound |
newspaper Novinite |
2004 |
EN |
The Thracian tomb in the "Golyamata Kosmatka" mound |
newspaper Novinite |
2004 |
EN |
The bronze head from the "Golyamata Kosmatka" mound |
TEMP 2004, Sofia |
2004 |
EN |
Treasures from Malaja Pereshchepina, Nagyszentmiklos, etc |
EN |
Pictures from the VII-IXth cc. capitals Pliska, Preslav |
newspaper Monitor |
1999 |
BG |
Threasures of the Ochrid Archbishopric |
National Museum of History, Sofia |
EN |
The Thracian tomb at Alexandrovo near Haskovo |
newspapers Monitor, Trud |
2000 |
EN |
The Thracian temple at Starosel near Plovdiv. The palace at Perperek |
newspapers Monitor, Marica dnes, Novinar |
1999 |
EN |
Re: Caucasoid Turks/Bulgars |
Discussions in the sci.lang news-group |
1999 |
EN |